creativity | innovation

3 min readJan 27, 2021
creativity + innovation
creativity + innovation

Creativity is defined as an ability to produce novel and useful ideas that are becoming very necessary for both human survival and evolution. Creativity is a very highly desirable and yet on the another hand it is a widely elusive attribute for both the professional and personal ecosystems. Research has shown that creativity has very little correlation with the intelligence unless the person has very low latent inhibitions.

Innovation on the other hand is when the ideas are executed and then later on commercialized. And for r innovation to be a successful important factor is Timing. Like the timing of Steve Jobs for the release of the iPad. His timing was an important t factor that made iPad such a success as he waited for the creation of an ecosystem for adaption of iPad.

The world-class talents are started at the school or the college level with an education says that emphasizes both The system sciences. The system should also encourage collaboration and diversity to unearth talent. But the Education system in India doesn’t value these things they focus more on passing out to get a job. They should understand that an important factor in creativity risk-taking on is risk-taking.

With the digitalization of Digital technology in this important that we must participate in the unlearning and relearning of the things to enhance our creativity.

Creativity has three compartments:-

The discovery phase of the creativity deals with all the problems and it helps in unearthing the problem. As a problem well understood is solved better than the problem not understood. A pat least should spend at least 70% of his/her time understanding a problem and 30% time solving that problem.

The ideation phase is the phase where well-understood a well understood pro is generated. 30% of human effort after understanding the problem are spending in this phase. As many ideas should be generated without being too critique cal.

In the Validation phase, the solution which is more logically sound to the understood problem is validated. The most promising idea is picked up from all the ideas and then processed towards execution. While validating we should be objective.

For innovation to happen a person needs to have the individualistic culture. Innovation requires the time and freedom where there is room for mistakes as it necessitates a prototyping mentality.

Most of the organizations that are focused on innovation have specific policies in place to allocate the resources to the employees i.e. talent and time and avoid the 5 cognitive biases that hurt organizational innovations i.e. fundamental attribution error, sunk-cost fallacy, confirmation bias, groupthink and bandwagon effect.

Organizations should encourage the employees to try new ideas and provide rewards for failure and successful inefficiency-oriented efficiency-oriented culture the chances of creativity survival are very low.

Creativity requires slow thinking process and empathy as without the empathy creativity is a dead end. Three characteristics that can raise the creative yield of the individual are the clear head, deep heart and honing thick skin. And principle to cultivate creativity will be to keep the “why” unambiguous and the “how” ambiguous; practice problem-solving in teams; and standardize wherever possible to reduce cognitive load.

And to build an innovation look for a person with multiple affiliations as multiple affiliations translate into a T-shaped personality at work. A T-shaped person is one who has significant depth into the matter at hand along with the ability to relate to several other domains. A T-shaped person will be problem-solving at problem-solving as important ideas are born at the intersection of disciplines because they exhibit both utility and novelty.

As Mark Twain stated “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection”, at the end will talk about for Cultural transformation and Open Innovation in the industry. Cultural transformation, especially innovation, the main intent should be to preserve the routines (less effortful, more predictable and occupy a larger share), as well as should change those through experiments (are rare and yield desirable outcomes). And for Open Innovation technologies like Block Chain and Artificial Intelligence should be adopted as they will be more credible and will support the pursuit of open innovation. They will protect innovation and will resolve privacy issues. Artificial Intelligence applications can be far greater and more useful to humanitarian and disaster relief, conservation, disease control like COVID-19, waste management etc.

